Sitting and Talking

by Lia Romeo
PLAY written for performance on ZOOM
November 12, 2020 @7:30PM
Sitting and Talking reflects on our human need to connect, no matter what the circumstances. Charles and Enid are in their sixties, and have never tried online dating before, especially not over video chat. But now that they're confined to their homes, there's a first time for everything. A love story for this moment,
Lia Romeo’s plays have been produced at the O’Neill Playwrights’ Conference, 59E59, Unicorn Theatre, HotCity Theatre, Renegade Theatre Experiment, Dreamcatcher Rep and others. Her work has been developed at the O’Neill Playwrights’ Conference, the Lark, San Francisco Playhouse, Florida Studio Theatre, Orlando Shakespeare Theatre, and elsewhere. She received a 2018 Individual Artist Fellowship in playwriting from the New Jersey State Council for the Arts, and was the National New Play Network Emerging Playwright-in-Residence at Writers Theatre of New Jersey. Her plays are published by Broadway Play Publishing, Playscripts, Dramatists Play Service, and Smith & Kraus. She earned her B.A. from Princeton University and her M.F.A. in playwriting from Rutgers/MGSA, and she teaches in the MA program in creative writing at Fairleigh Dickinson University.
If attendance is not possible live, register for the event and send an email to to receive a link to a recording of the show that must be watched by November 19.
You must register to watch.

Cast & Creative Team
André DeSandies as Charles
Gail Lou as Enid
Director: Laura Ekstrand*†
Playwright: Lia Romeo